deno_lint docs

Ignore directives

File level

To ignore a whole file use // deno-lint-ignore-file at the top of the file:

// deno-lint-ignore-file

function foo(): any {
  // ...

The ignore directive must be placed before the first statement or declaration:

// Copyright 2020-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.

 * Some JS doc

// deno-lint-ignore-file

import { bar } from "./bar.js";

function foo(): any {
  // ...

You can also ignore certain diagnostics in the whole file:

// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any no-empty

function foo(): any {
  // ...

If there are multiple // deno-lint-ignore-file directives, all but the first one are ignored:

// This is effective
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any no-empty

// But this is NOT effective
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-debugger

function foo(): any {
  debugger; // not ignored!

Line level

To ignore specific diagnostics use // deno-lint-ignore <codes...> on the preceding line of the offending line.

// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
function foo(): any {
  // ...

// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any explicit-function-return-type
function bar(a: any) {
  // ...

You must specify the names of the rules to be ignored.

Ignore ban-unused-ignore itself

deno_lint provides ban-unused-ignore rule, which will detect ignore directives that don't ever suppress certain diagnostics. This is useful when you want to discover ignore directives that are no longer necessary after refactoring the code.

In a few cases, however, you might want to ignore ban-unused-ignore rule itself. One of the typical cases would be when working with auto-generated files; it makes sense to add file-level ignore directives for some rules, and there's almost no need for detecting unused directives via ban-unused-ignore in this case.

You can use // deno-lint-ignore-file ban-unused-ignore as always if you want to suppress the rule for a whole file:

// deno-lint-ignore-file ban-unused-ignore no-explicit-any

// `no-explicit-any` isn't used but you'll get no diagnostics because of ignoring
// `ban-unused-ignore`

Do note that ignoring ban-unused-ignore itself only works via file-level ignore directives. This means that per line directives, like // deno-lint-ignore ban-unused-ignore, don't work at all. If you want to ignore ban-unused-ignore for some special reasons, make sure to add it as a file-level ignore directive.